हरियाणा के 27 साल के इस खिलाड़ी ने सोमवार को जापान के कोबे (Kobe) में वर्ल्ड पैरा एथलेटिक्स चैंपियनशिप में पुरुषों की F56 कैटेगरी डिस्कस थ्रो...
अदिति दूसरों को सशक्त बनाने में यकीन रखती है और चाहती है कि उनके कैफे सिर्फ खाने की जगह न होकर उससे कहीं ज्यादा हों. वह...
Aditi believes in empowering others and wants her cafés to be more than just places to eat. She sees them as community hubs where everyone feels...
Para athlete Sachin Khilari had suffered a mishap during his school days leading to disability in his left hand
Sonipat's Antil wanted to pursue a career in wrestling, but in 2015, when he was 17, his motorbike was hit by a speeding truck while he...
In a first-of-its-kind initiative, the Election Commission unveiled the 'Vote From Home' scheme, designed to facilitate the participation of elderly citizens and individuals with disabilities
Yogesh Kathuniya won the silver in the Men's Discus Throw F56 Final with a season's best mark of 41.80
40 वर्षीय अनूप चंद्रन और 36 साल की नेहल ठक्कर दिव्यांग हैं और उन्हें चलने-फिरने में समस्या है, लेकिन फिर भी वे गाड़ी चलाते हैं, जानिए...
40-year-old Anup Chandran and 36-year-old Nehal Thakkar are disabled and have mobility issues but they still drive! Here’s how…
Along with paralympic swimmer Samir Barman, fellow para swimmers Vinit Ray, and Binoy Ray will represent India at the City Para Swimming World Championship in Switzerland
Samarth by Hyundai in partnership with NDTV, is an initiative that seeks to promote inclusivity, change perceptions, and enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities.
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